By Jordan Malik, MBA/MS & Award-Winning Amazon Pro Merchant & eBay Top Seller


eBay/Amazon Experts Say my "B.L.e.S.H.a." System Works

Skip McGrath's latest free newsletter says my guide "shows examples of how [to find things on ebay] selling for pennies that are actually quite valuable because the seller didn’t know what they had." You can read his entire post here

(I call Skip the 'Godfather of online selling' because he truly is one of the most revered experts for selling anything online, and he's been at it the longest. (Full disclosure: Skip is an affiliate of my B.L.e.S.H.a. guide).

Nathan Homquist's latest Blog post says he has used my B.L.e.S.H.a. strategy to purchase electronics on eBay and then sell them on eBay for double the price. I got my start selling on Amazon with Nathan's free e-guide, and he is one of the major reasons I have made  $105,000 via Amazon FBA in 2011. (Full disclosure: Nathan is an affiliate of my B.L.e.S.H.a. guide).

You can get my "B.L.e.S.H.a." guide here, or just view the video below.



Bloomberg News talks about Amazon FBA

NOTE: This blog has moved to:

Here's a terrific story about the positive impact 3rd-party Amazon sellers (like you or me) are making on Amazon's bottom line:

The highlight for online sellers, if you take away just one point, is "[Amazon is] training the consumer to start and end their shopping process at Amazon".

In other words, Amazon's CEO Jeff Bezos wants consumers to rely on Amazon for all their 'consumer needs', which makes for a friendly atmospher for us 3rd party sellers because we find (among other things) goods that fill in those tiny niches.

(In other words, if an Amazon Prime customer in Beaver Creek, Montana needs a package of 1500 live Ladybugs shipped to his/her door in 2 days, chances are they'll find it on Amazon.)

If you're not selling on Amazon yet, here's a free guide to get you started (it's the same one I used when I started 3 years ago).



Logo? Pay $5 and Get On With Your Life, Already

NOTE: This blog has moved to:

I did some reminiscing today.

Click on This for Larger Image
See the image to the right? It's a mockup of my new (upcoming) home page at Each of those logos is a company/blog/publication/service that I own. (you can click on it for a larger viewing).

I just looked at all the logos in there and realized that I paid $5 each for just about all of them. (Although I probably tipped the graphic designers who made them an extra $5 each or so, if they did a really good job).

Now the reason I brought this up is because of the 'reminiscing' part.

I looked at the logos and I thought about about all the morons I've worked for in the past who spent thousands of dollars in cash and/or internal resources designing their logo and getting it "JUST RIGHT." Wow, how narcissistic can you get.

I know what you're thinking: "Jordan, ten years ago you couldn't get a logo designed for under $1,000." True, but companies that could either voluntarily paid - or got sucked into paying - thousands of dollars more. Or they sucked up the equivalent of thousands of dollars in resources lost (i.e. political waste like managers' approval, staff designers' time, 'getting consensus', lunch meetings, etc.).

Corporate managers and MBA-types call all this sweating over a little logo "refining their corporate image" or "building their brand". But that's a load of hogwash and completely ridiculous. And a complete waste of money. Look at Craigslist's logo. Nothing but typeface, right? Craigslist didn't need a fancy logo to be successful (that's a lesson for another day, though).

So if you want a logo, pick some favorite styles you've seen in others, think up a simple company name, then get a designer at (where I got mine done for $5) and get it done already, and move on with your life. After all, you have bigger fish to fry.

And if anyone critiques your logo (which is another reason why business owners needlessly sweat over a logo's details - they're "afraid of what others will say/think when they see it"), tell them to read this same blog post. And then charge them $5 for the advice.
