100% FREE Today (if you have Amazon Prime) and Highly recommended e-book (I've read it and it's one of the best books covering the subject of selling stuff on Amazon and eBay) .This free e-book is for the Kindle. No Kindle? No problem - you can view it right in your web browser - see this video (NO SOUND) that shows you how I did it.
Hey Jordan it looks like a great book for good tips. But if you don't have a Kindle like me its not FREE paperback is like $13
But thanks for pass on this info
Reg B.
Hi Jordan,
Thanks for the link to the e-book Barcode Booty, this will really help when scouting, sourcing product. You always go above and beyond helping your readers, etc.
Have a great day!
Thanks for the heads up Jordan. I downloaded the sample months ago but how sweet to get the book FREE. Reg, you can read it on your pc, no Kindle needed!
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