By Jordan Malik, MBA/MS & Award-Winning Amazon Pro Merchant & eBay Top Seller


Overwhelming Support against 'Amazon Bully Sellers'

NOTE: This blog has moved to:

On Monday I wrote about an online Amazon seller 'help' forum that was getting incredibly nasty and condescending toward its members, including me. The forum is this one, by the way.

Well, the feedback from my readers has been heartwarming and outstandingly supportive. Excerpts from just some of them them are below (the first 5 were edited to protect the writers, as they were emailed to me. The rest are by my subscribers in the original post's comments section.)

FYI, I have recommended that 'bully' forum in a free help guide I wrote, but we're in the process of removing them from the guide and replacing it with another' help source.

P.S. - Thank you for all your emails, posts and support!


 "Hi Jordan.

I'm a member of one of those seller help forums that you posted about on your blog, it could be the same one because there are several of those "amazon bullies" members on there.

Personally I think they (the bullies) on that forum went way to far with their attack on you just because you follow your own path and not theirs.

Anyway I liked your post and think you hit the nail on the head, or should I say the "amazon bullies" on the head! Man, I bet their really steaming now! Great Post"
- Writer's name removed by editor.


"I remember when I signed up to the Yahoo Group about a year ago.

In that forum, one of its 'senior' members thought the other forum members wanted to 'steal' her intelligence (ha!) to write a book or somehow capitalize on "her" knowledge about selling on Amazon.
When someone commented that she was being greedy or selfish, she was offended by that! It didn't bother her that she offended the new people coming in, though.

I think the forum moderator puts up with her crap because she is a "know-it-all". It's good to have the knowledge but not so good to be a bee-otch about it to everyone.

I enjoy your postings an kindness to share." - Writer's name removed by editor.


"Your post about the critics and complainers was spot on! As a member of my church's administration, let me say this, "Those people are complete assholes!" - Writer's name removed by editor

"I too was kicked out of the ToySellersFBA program because I opposed the moderators' [initial desire to engage members into] price fixing. (Ed: Companies (including 3rd party sellers) agreeing to set a universal fixed price for a product is called 'collusion' and it's illegal in the U.S. However, we have no proof or indication that the forum's moderators were successful in getting some or all of its members to engage in collusion.)

I strongly objected. That's the only time I have ever spoke out in that forum. But one day I log in and find that my access has been taken away." - Writer's name removed by editor


"Hey Jordan,...[I got kicked out too], too 'exclusive' for me I guess....You are awesome, fearless and I am sure much more highly successful than those farkers--I know you have more education so screw them...My 2cents is this, I have to please AMAZON to keep my selling privileges and my customers--who needs a bunch of bullies and braggarts to cast a negative shadow on me?I am glad I am on your email list, blog posts and joining FBAFinds. I do not need those forums to help me out!"- Writer's name removed by editor

"I know what forum your referring to and I thought the whole conversation was quite ridiculous. No one seems to share because they are afraid of the "competition." FBA Finds, on the other hand, is quite the opposite, we share and help one another. You set the tone for a very positive and caring forum, you should be proud. P.S. I hardly look at feedback! " - blkeeslar


"The bullies are everywhere! Online I have really noticed it lately. These are the people that feel threatened or just like to start doo-doo... I don't bother to post on the Amazon seller forums anymore, many nasty people and too much negativity for me. I'll just learn the normal way - experience, trial and error, gut feeling, etc. Love this blog, keep up the good work!!!!!!" -  Rhonda*in*MI

"Ouch Jordan... stop hanging out on those forums. Spend more time posting here and on (My "secret" weapon of choice). Gasp - you share your Amazon selling strategies??? You mean you actually help others gain success? How could you? ROFLOL "Thou Shall Not Pay Attention To The Bully" - ... I'm assuming the "Bully" isn't very successful on Amazon - and/or just doesn't see the + side of sharing and being a happy camper." - Debra Conrad


SonyaLeeHan said...

I'm in that forum and saw the convo. I never post in there though so they'll probably kick me out soon. But I thought the whole thing was ridiculous. Can't believe you got kicked out cuz of that! Sometimes I'm scared to post there too. Some people are just so negative, it's ridiculous! For the record, I didn't think you did anything that bad lol...

SonyaLeeHan said...

I'm in that forum and saw the whole convo. I never post in there though so they'll probably kick me out soon. But I thought the whole thing was ridiculous. Can't believe you got kicked out cuz of that! Sometimes I'm scared to post there too. Some people are just so negative, it's ridiculous! For the record, I didn't think you did anything that bad lol...People in there just need to lighten up...

Andrew J Titcombe said...

Forum comments can make one very down hearted, JB, so it is good to see your fighting spirit. I trey to avoid them now. I prefer to be listing ANYWAY competition is greatly feared (and greatly over rated) My experience of having a real store in a busy shopping mall (London England as it happens) was that when all my competitors had closed/gone out of business my takings were a lot less than when I had FIVE!! rival stores all selling records and CDS (my business) Competition is healthy....after all there are thousands of sellers on eBay and Amazon all carving out a living............ Andrew (from across the pond!)
P S mind you the whole subject of feedback is another ball game tra la

Love Those Slots ! said...

I think I just experienced an Amazon bully myself. Someone with over 7,000 posts and incredibly condescending. Not until the end did I realize it.